
Call for Submissions – Artists and Poets with Disabilities

Call for Submissions – Artists and Poets with Disabilities

The New England ADA Center, a project of the Institute for Human Centered Design, seeks artists with disabilities for a June 26, 2014 through July 28, 2014 art exhibition and poets with disabilities to participate in a poetry slam taking place July 23, 2014.

Seeking poets who can captivate, connect, and energize an audience.  Good presentation skills a must!  The call is open to poets of all ages living in New England who have a disability.  Deadline for submission is May 15, 2014.  The Poetry Slam will take place in Boston on July 23rd from 7pm – 8pm at the Institute for Human Centered Design, 200 Portland St. Boston.

All works must be original creations by the poet.  Please insert two poems, a short bio, contact information, a sample of you reading poetry, and signature in the .  Submit a completed application form to: David West, New England ADA Center, by May 15, 2014.  Write “Poetry Submission” in the subject line of the email.

Seeking artists to exhibit at a show celebrating the ADA by showcasing the works of artists with various disabilities.  The call is open to all artists ages 14 and above living in New England who have a disability.  Emerging and experienced artists are encouraged to apply.  This is a juried competition.  All works must be original creations signed by the artist and available for purchase.  Insert one to four digital images of your art, a short bio, contact information and signature in .

Submissions are due by May 15, 2014.  The exhibition will take place at the Institute for Human Centered Design, 200 Portland St. Boston from June 26th through July 28th.  All artwork will be juried.  Email your completed application to: Ana Julian, New England ADA Center, by May 15, 2014.  Write “Artist Submission” in the subject line of the email.  For more information, call 1-800-949-4232.

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