Artist Spotlight: George Elbthal
This artist spotlight is a very special one that we are sharing in remembrance of George Elbthal. George was an artist from Ayer, MA whose oil paintings were inspired by New England landscapes and places important to his family and…
Artist Spotlight: Liz Doles
We’re thrilled to launch our Artist Spotlight series, which will virtually highlight the amazing work of artists with disabilities until our Open Door Galleries reopen. For our first week, we’re featuring the work of Liz Doles, a Boston-based multifaceted artist who…
New Schools Join the COOL Team!
We are thrilled to announce new partnerships with Higginson Elementary, where we will be providing music and dance to Pre-K-2nd grade students and with the West Zone ELC where we will offer music to Pre-k-1st grade students. We are so excited to work with these 2 great schools and their creative students!
8,000 Art Kits to BPS Students
In partnership with EdVestors and Boston Public School, we helped put 8,000 art kits in the hands of BPS students so they could fully participate in remote arts learning and continue to create at home. Click here to read the full article!
Looking to get creative? Join us for, Create in 20!
Join us every Friday at 10:00! Led by staff at the Worcester Art Museum, you’ll learn about 2 artists, explore a new art form and create your own work of art all in just 20 minutes. Sign up here today!
Open Door Gallery @ WAM: VIRTUAL TOUR
We may need to be at home right now, but that doesn’t mean we can’t experience amazing art! Click on this link to take a Virtual Tour of our Open Door Gallery at the Worcester Art Museum featuring Sam Tomasiello’s…
ODA @ WAM Featured in Worcester Magazine!
The Open Door Gallery at WAM along with current exhibiting artist, Sam Tomasiello were recently featured in Worcester Magazine. Click on this link to read the article and learn more about this innovative partnership.
Open Door Gallery Boston: VIRTUAL TOUR
Can’t visit our Open Door Gallery in person? No Problem! Click on this link to experience an all access Virtual Tour of our current exhibit: Rachel Bird’s “Hymn to the Body” which includes and introduction and insights from the artist!
Meet our Gallery Fellow – Sara Klugman
I was born and raised in Shutesbury, Massachusetts. I have lived in Minnesota and New York City, and most recently I am returning from a few years in Jerusalem. I am currently in the Arts in Education program at…
Meet our Education Fellow – Stephanie Nikolaou
Hello there! I’m Stephanie. I call Rochester, NY and Boston, MA home. I arrived in the city 11 years ago to pursue a graduate degree in Theatre Education at Emerson College. I grew roots in the Brighton area, and as…
Meet the Intern – Emma Farnham
Hi, I’m Emma! I’m originally from Atlanta, Georgia, but I’ve lived in Boston for the past two years. I’m a rising junior in the Lynch School of Education at Boston College, majoring in applied psychology and human development. What are…
Meet the Teaching Artist: Krina Patel
Think-Create-Learn: Making Art Mindfully I am a visual designer and artist. Increasingly, my practice, especially my socially engaged arts projects, include both visuals, audio, and text. Think-Create-Learn, that is my mantra. Professor David Perkins, with whom I studied and worked…